Countdown to Christmas

20151215_063042The best part of the holiday season is getting together with family and friends to celebrate and reconnect. Often we have those once a year gatherings that happen in this wonderful winter season. I say that with a straight face from sunny Palm Springs. I have seen snow this year, which is more than I can say for most years. The snow should stay right in the mountains where you can visit it when you like. 20151215_171256I took the photo above from my window seat heading out of Palm Springs at sunrise.

Being relatively new at this job puts me at the low end of the seniority rankings and the high end of the travel season, which means that I will be working over Christmas, as I expect I will for years to come. That’s ok. I took advantage of a couple days off before the holiday rush to have coffee with my dad, in Florida. I really did. California to Florida for coffee. It was a surprise for him, and delighted us both. You’ll note he’s wearing a shirt I made for him.

2015-12-16 11.36.04On the way home I stopped in Nashville to visit with a long lost sister. Well, not technically a sister but a sister of the heart. In this day of technology it seems impossible to lose track of people, but we do. While we’ve talked on the phone, exchanged letters, packages and emails, I haven’t actually seen this dear one for about twenty five years. What a treat. We had coffee in her hometown of Franklin, Tennessee. If you haven’t been, put this on your list of places to visit. What a quaint little town with plenty of history.

Oh, the box of fabric? Hmmm. Well, there’s good news, and bad news. Did I mention that I discovered another quilt shop here in the Palm Springs area. (One fun side benefit to moving is scouting out new places.) Super cute and some irresistible fabrics. So I added a few pieces that were so delightfully airplaned up. 20151214_094116 I know, I know. I said I would just use what I had. Never quite works out that way.

On a brighter note, I did complete two quilts and am trying my hand at Etsy.  All of these airplane quilts will need a home, and it might come in handy for supporting my fabric habit.

20151214_095453-1 It’s hard to say for certain, but it could just be possible that there is more fabric in the box than there was when I began. If it weren’t so embarrassing, I’d take a picture of the box and show you. 20151214_094839-1Trust me when I say it’s overflowing. I do have another top that is about at the half way mark, and plenty of fabric to back the other finished top. Stay tuned for future projects.

Here’s hoping that your holiday travels are as fun and successful as mine have been. Perhaps you’ll be on one of my flights.

One Year Later…

I can’t believe it’s been a year.  In that time I’ve started a new job flying for a regional airline, moved twice, lived in three states, driven half-way across the country twice. I’ve flown into about half the states, including Hawaii as well as Canada and Mexico for work or fun.

I have settled a bit in Palm Springs, found my computer and more importantly found my password, a couple of sewing machines and one box of fabric. So, while the closet itself is gone, the goal to use up all that fabulous stash in the closet, has not changed.

My first goal is to use what is in the box. Mostly cotton flannel and a couple random pieces of quilting cotton. As we all know, it is impossible to finish a project without bu2015-12-10 12.52.54ying more fabric. I don’t know why it is the rule, but it is. There are a couple fabric stores here, and by that I mean about two. That does not slow me down, plenty of damage can be done in two fabric shops. And, there are a couple places where we layover that have some cute shops near the hotels. I submit evidence A. Strictly purchased with the intent of finishing said items in the box. Don’t let the quantity fool you, no ma’am, this is not frivolous purchasing after such a long drought.

2015-12-10 12.55.57The airplane fabric at center was a piece I picked up in Colorado and sadly, nothing in the box coordinated. Likewise for the navy background flannel. You know when I discover any fabric with an airplane motif that it must become mine…. so, some coordinating dots and solids, a couple more bits with planes and I can begin to finish.

Nothing is finished yet, but I have three quilt tops, two are pinned and ready for quilting and a forth is planned out and ready to stitch.

There is no real appreciable difference in the volume of fabric in the box, but I can really see an improvement in my attitude.  It feels like I’ve come home.

Distraction Project (a.k.a. Creative Avoidance)

Whenever I feel pressure to complete a task I, basically, freak out. Generally, this is best noted by the creative ways in which I can distract myself from achieving said goal, and occasionally by a full blown 2-year-old-style hissy fit. So… I mentioned that I sent my book to a publisher and an editor…. The editor liked it! And, she wants a re-write. This is incredible news. It is not a rejection. Amazing. So, instead of writing, I’ve been painting. I know. Pathetic. I have to say, painting this room was on the to-do list, just way down the list.

It all started with a trip to a couple of my favorite stores, Hobby Lobby and Home Depot. It should be against the law to visit both stores in one day. Plus, I keep seeing all these great ideas from Found This Painted That. The Laundry Room Makeover is complete.

I picked up this tray at the thrift store for a dollar or two that needed some help… So I painted the bottom with chalk board paint. It’s so cute now! I need some chalk so I can write inspirational messages to myself.






Painted the walls, the trim, the door and hung my cute new hooks on the walls and voila! I also learned an important paining tip. The trim may look white, but it’s actually not just plain white. Many of you are shaking your heads at me, the rest will try it yourself and realize. I ended up with Swiss Coffee and it looks beautiful with the Cozy Cottage walls.1398869445660


Ok, I’m going to work on the book. Right now.

New Year’s Resolutions

Usually I make most of my resolutions on my birthday. Somehow it feels more personal to me, my own special day for making my own special plans. New Year’s is a great time to renew the resolutions, and any chance to set some goals is a good chance to take. As I mentioned a week ago, cleaning up my sewing room disaster was on the list, and, ta da! done. I thought I better take pictures as it us unlikely to last.

I’m feeling just a little smug, because I’ve finally finished 3 of the 4 projects that I have promised well before thanksgiving….(See me dusting off my hands and patting myself on the back.) The fourth project is nearing completion Lori, look carefully at the pictures, you’ll see it by the door…ImageImageThere are no pictures of the desk in the corner… perhaps another aImage


The completed projects are pictured here, two boys shirts, of course featuring airplanes and one adult size.  Because, who doesn’t need plane clothes?

little shirtImageand last, but perhaps most important, is a sewing convert. I can’t tell you the number of times I hear how horrible Home Economics was in school, how many people were turned away from my favorite power tool, the sewing machine. I don’t know why, but I have to agree, Home-Ec was awful. Yesterday whilst I was finishing up these shirts, Kim was converting some of her men style tee shirts into cute girly style. “I never thought I’d say this, but this is fun.” And she had great success.

ImageOther goals for the new year? Getting my novel off to the publishers in the first quarter. (I’m prepared for rejection:) Write novel number 2. If you can write one, why not keep going? Half-marathon. Turn my defunct hot tub into a planter. Sew, use or give away all the fabric in the closet.

I’d love to hear your resolutions. Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas

As always, the holidays arrive in a flurry of activity and I never quite get to all of the projects that I have planned. All the same, the important things get done, like baking pumpkin chocolate chip bread and oatmeal cookies and smothering pretzels in caramel, pecans and chocolate.

This is a great time to say thank you to those of you who read and/or follow my blog. I cannot tell you what a thrill it is to see your comments and ‘likes’. Thank you.

I did manage to complete one little sewing project. Originally this was to be a quilt project… however it was started about 8 or 10 years ago, so it’s safe to say that I was not inspired to finish it. While perusing Anthropologie’s catalog I was inspired by their apron design and just had to make something similar for serving Christmas Dinner.



The closet and the sewing room are rather a disaster at the moment, so I’ll spare you the update. My new year’s resolution will be to clean and organize the entire room this year. Photos to follow. Thanks again. Have a very Merry Christmas and may the new year bring you peace and love.



Labor Day Holiday meant extra time for me to work on projects. The completion of these projects has resulted in great satisfaction.

First a simple panel baby quilt. I mentioned to my daughter that I had made such a simple quilt, because these are intended for everyday use, not as heirlooms. She informed me that the simple quilt I made her, and that she used daily is still in her possesion.  She said it didn’t matter how simple, she loved it. This was very inspiring to hear.Image


Of course this is for one of my co-workers who is a dog lover as well as a pilot and expecting her first.

Florida is next up on my adventure list, where I will be visiting my Dad and his wife. I love to bring a little something when I visit, especially since they have birthdays in September and October respectively. Even in Florida it gets cool enough to enjoy a lap quilt. I spend so much time looking out of an airplane window at the earth that I see quilt designs in everything. I quilted this freehand to give the look of plowed fall fields.Image


And finally, after having languished for many months on my quilting frame… I finished my queen sized quilt, the last of the series I call “Tiff’s Bright Idea.” (See the complete set here) My sister Tiff gave me a fat quarter bundle of Kaffe Fassett brights that inspired some quilts and color theory. Thanks Tiff.



Now, let’s see what we can make next…

Getting Things Done

Over the last couple weeks I’ve been overly preoccupied (dare I say obsessed) with finishing projects. No doubt, it’s due to this focus on finishing that I been feeling disappointed in my results. I’ve decided that I should focus on what I have accomplished instead of what I have not completed. So…

I have completed three of a four rug set…Image

This rug project has also resulted in a reduction of the ratty towels in my linen cupboard, and a remarkably pared down closet. I’m sure the folks at “What Not To Wear” will be pleased that I broke down and cut up my “good” tee shirts for this project. (By good, I mean that they were over five years old, men’s style, unflattering and appropriate only for painting or sleeping in tents.) It was a surprisingly difficult decision to reinvent them into rugs. The floors look much better in these shirts than i ever did. Good call.





One box has been completely emptied in the closet… and I created easy and attractive storage for quilt binding. I like to make extra binding to use in tote bags or for the next quilt. This allows me to bring a little of the previous quilts forward to the present project. Many of my quilts have pieced bindings which goes especially well with a a scrappy quilt.

I have finished quilting a queen sized quilt which has been living on my quilt frame for about a year… pictures when I get a bit further on the binding.

I have designed and completed a quilt top for an upcoming birthday. Here’s a sneak peek…Image

I have managed to get quilt top and back together with some batting for a baby quilt… it is now residing on the quilt frame and is 80% complete.  It goes with this adorable diaper tote which I have completed. The handle started as a belt purchased at Goodwill for $.69. The ribbon was purchased without realizing that each spool only contained about 12 inches worth of ribbon. I’m sure it was intended for scrapbooking.  Here’s how I made it work for me.ImageImageImage

I also finished 4 spools of thread, one queen sized package of quilt batting, 6 spools of ribbon and countless cups of coffee.

This has resulted in a noticeable difference in the closet.


Record Breaking Heat

It is Phoenix, it is the desert, we do expect the heat. However, the first week of temperatures well above 110F (43C) kind of knocks you for a loop. I work outdoors in an un-airconditioned environment. When it gets this hot I stay inside when I can. Sewing has been my refuge from the heat and I’ve completed a few little projects.

New Shorts! Well who doesn’t need new shorts when it’s this hot. These are my favorites for lounging around the house and sitting in front of the sewing machine. They are rather sad.


Yes, worn out and paint covered. So I took my shears and cut them up to make a pattern for some new shorts.


This worked with great success. The new shorts have the same great feel as the old ones but look a bit nicer and have the bonus of not having to worry that your drawers will fall apart while you’re wearing them.


If you are thinking of trying this, don’t forget to add a bit to your pattern for seam allowances. I literally cut the shorts apart, rather than unseaming them. If you’d like to adjust the size a bit, this is the time.

I also made another of these 49ers bags. This one is a little larger as it will be deployed as a diaper bag. I also added a little button fastener.


Being on a roll, I decided to try out a smaller cross body bag. My sister is loving my experiments with 49er fabric. Come football season she will be all decked out for the games.


And I shipped out the totes to their new homes. I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself this week.

The closet is looking pretty good too. No new additions. Stacks are fractionally smaller.


I would welcome any ideas you have for projects. Do you know any groups that would appreciate donated fabric?

Stay cool!

Spring Time in Arizona


It’s Spring Time in Arizona and the flowers are blooming! The temperatures are still cool here in the desert and we are taking advantage of the weather to enjoy outdoor activities. I have been potting flowers… Image

Traveling and running. Spring break in Mexico was just right…Image

A trip to Austin to run with my daughter. She has inspired me to set and achieve some fitness goals over this last year that I didn’t think were possible. We’ve both got a 1/2 marathon under our belts. This run was a ten mile jaunt through the Texas capital. Image

So, what has become of the closet you ask? Well, there are a few projects in the works. The best one is packaging up a box of fabric to send to a reader. Thank you for responding. Your box is packed and will be on it’s way shortly!Image

There is a little furniture redux going on in the garage… pictures as we are more complete. A huge quilt project with plenty of itty bitty pieces which may take me 100 years to finish… and experimenting with a technique I was reading about recently.Image

As the temperatures increase I will be inclined to spend more time indoors and the closet will get much more attention.